This trip is a result of being awarded a Nuffield scholarship

This trip is a result of  being awarded a Nuffield scholarship
There are 1300 scholars world wide who are expected to share their knowledge with fellow farmers and the wider industry

The family

The family

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Visist to CIMMYT

We have been to CIMMYT and learnt about the research that took place over the last 60 odd years. It was fantastic to get such an understanding. Dr Norman Borlaug is credited with saving more lives through his work than any other person. Given the advancements in technologies and the events of significance through out history  I think this accolade for an agricultural scientist truly epitomises the value of agriculture


  1. Hi Roma,

    Really great - to keep up to date with your adventures. keep the posts going - I and a few others around the office enjoy reading them.

  2. Hi Polly,
    Great to hear your news;impressed by last speaker on poverty.Hope you are enjoying your trip.Missing you. love, Mum & Jim.
