Well its goodbye to Australia and off of the journey to explore the world of agriculture. We are so far away from the rest of the world its easy to stay focused on your own back yard. I find the challenge when we are so far away is to remember we need to find a place in the global economy. Agriculture is well placed to be a trump card in the future. Can we recognized and optimize this without losing the balance. Neither in favour of greed or selfishness of which neither is sustainable???? That’s the question.
Flying out of Sydney presented some thoughts of sadness at really leaving the family and the easy communications and regular contact I’ve had since leaving home a week ago but not having left Australia. I was fortunate to have a window seat and captured the beauty of Sydney harbor and the bridge and the yachts. Then high about the clouds into “vanilla fairy floss” land. I have never flown into Wellington. Its beautiful gliding into the airport between the rocky outcrops of grey stone that greet you as you descend into the bay and land on a tarmac on the edge of the coastline.
Without a moment to spare we were whisked into the reception area of the motel we were booked into and thrust among a crowd of Irish (4) English(19) Dutch (2) Canadians ( not sure have met only one so far)French(1) New Zealanders(2= One we are continuing on from here with)
I have networked with many so; farm pig farmers , dairy farmers, arable farmers and a agricultural lawyer and trade negotiator so far.
Then off to dinner on the waterfront of Wellington amongst an atmosphere created by a music festival going on around us.
The discussions are amazing. The topics people are exploring seem to be very concerned with the longevity of the industry and future viability. It’s evident the investment of the Nuffield forefathers recognized the value of widening the horizons of agriculturalists by travel is an investment into the future.
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